Monday, July 18, 2005

It's amazing what happens when you let go and Let the big man take over..

Okay, so God like totally rocks my shoes off!!
He is just so cool! I love him so much!
About a month ago, i went to an amusement park with one of my friends. Sure you say what is the big deal. but Ever since returning home from Canada, things have been awkward, and well, just not real good. Which has been frustrating, and disappointing. But i felt like I was suppose to ask her to come, cuz i got 2 free tickets through work. but everyone i asked couldn't come. yea God sets things up even when you don't think so.. so we went. we are both dreading the outcome, cuz ya know these things are suppose to be fun. but we hadn't really talked for like ever. but God was there the whole time..we laughed, we cried, we hugged. It was really good. God is so cool. I ended up going to her wedding at the beginning of July. Which was something that i had said that i wouldn't attend..but God changed my heart for the situation.

So not only did he restore that relationship, he helped restore some more with some of my other friends. Just by us getting together and being honest with each other. Now we are taking each day as it comes..and God totally blesses that..

My room finally is done enough for me to move in..there are still some minor things that need to to accomplished, but it totally rocks..and i can't make up my mind on what i want to do. but it's just cool to have a bed to sleep on, instead of the couch. Praise Jesus!

My sister's baby is growing, so fast. It's insane.

I have had to kill my pride alot. I have just started taking time out to hear His voice. though I am still distracted with things. I am doing okay. and i am learning about being humble. which is harder than i thought it would be. but ya know.

And I have fallen in love. His name is David, he is 11 years older than I, and has 2 children, Rachl and Korbin, from previous marriage. He plays the bass, and guitar, is in the worship band with me. I like him a lot. It's funny, cuz i look at him and we are exact opposites. And not at all the man i would have pictured myself with. It's not perfect. There is still some growing up we both have to do. Sometimes i fight that with all of me. We have a lot of talks. Sometimes it's just me talking. But i don't know. every day i wake up and pray, for him and me. we are just taking it one day at a time. It all just kind of took us both by surprise. but so far it's okay.

I think that is all i needto put for now. It's pretty long.
Have a great day!

Sunday, May 29, 2005

ohmygosh!! this last week has been crazy!!
My sister had her baby at 1:51 pm on Monday afternoon!! He was 5 lbs 15 oz..19 and half inches long!!
they came home on wednesday! it's been interesting..but oh so just cool to see this life that has been growing in my sister's belly for almost 9 months and now he is here..he is so cute..i love him so much!! it really makes me want to have kids even more..however i am waiting..

I signed up for Classes out at our local college..i'm kind of excited!!
God has really been doing some cool stuff..
for example..i have not had a heart to stay here.. in fact i have been looking for an escape route since i came home from Toronto! but the other day i was talking to my friend nathan..telling him about the college and i am talking to him, God is like totally talking to me..I was talking about how i have such hopes and dreams for my future that i want to get it started now and my heart has been in Toronto..cuz it's where want to be! but God is like but if you keep looking at all that stuff you will miss out on what i have for you here right now..and i never thought about that before..than a few days later i was talking to one of my friends..who in high school we were pretty close, but over the years not so close..i would easily become frustrated with you and just usually walk around from her..i know i was a great friend..
but a while back, we were talking and all hanging out in the coffee shop at church..she was talking..i was getting frustrated and turned to leave..then it was like i couldn' i had to stay..then i said something and she started to cry..and i just went and hugged her..and she cried and i was totally god..cuz before i wouldn't have been that way..but i dont' was cool!!

what else..I think i sort of started dating was weird..and it continues to be a wierd i am not quite sure what God wants..however i think my heart has fallen for him..which makes it really wierd and probably not what is suppose to happen..but my heart is having conflicts..or my mind is not agreeing..or i am just looking at what i want rather than what the big man wants..

Last night, saturday...we had our big youth thing..we recently bought the church behind us..and we had been fixing up the chapel for our youth like last night we had a band from close by and just rocked out mostly..and there were like 60 kids there..and it was so cool!!

Now today, we are having out annual fish fry..where we eat lots, play softball, and then take naps..only to get up and some of us are watching napolean dynamite..(okay i know it's spelled wrong)but that should be fun..

anyway, i think i am done..
oh yea..i am coming to canada this weekend..but it's going to be a heck of a trip..but it will be worth it..maybe heading to Toronto sunday..if possible to say a quick hello to sarah and yea..that should be fun!!

anyway, i'm getting off of here..once i figure out how to put pictures on here..i will have one of Brynnen!! yahoo!!

Monday, May 23, 2005

Brynnen Ray Nethery Is on His Way!!!

So this morning about 3:30 am, my mom rushes home from find my sister in labor pains..she has been since about 9:30 last night..but they just got he is not here yet..but he is is now about 9:30 am..12 hours..i am so excited..i can't wait to see what he looks like..

I am also nervous..this morning she was crying..i think the pain was more than she expected..but i guess it would she is haveing contractions and i wish that i could just take the pain from her..I prayed to God not to let it hurt so much....

anyway, i should probably go..i need to get some stuff and then head back in..but i just took a quick break to write this..

Thursday, April 28, 2005

The most perfect Date!!

Okay, so really it wasn't a date, but if it was, It would have been awesome!!
So Tuesday, I awoke just in time to leave for work..A few hours later, I arrive home, and begin to get ready for my night out!!
It's like God pushed the pause button on my normal life, and said, hey lets put some spice in it..okay for some of you..this may not seem exciting..but I am like a little kid, when it comes to new things..and bands that i just picture a little kid getting the present that she had been wishing for all year!! You'll understand it more!!
So i did my came out perfect..I recently got it layered, and i was afraid i would have to spend more time on it than i had time for..but God rocks..cuz it was great..I put on my Ghostbuster shirt, and walked out the door!! of course i had on pants too...
Sparing you most of the details..We drove to evanville, In, about 2 hours away...where we went to the mall..Entering the Build-A-Bear store(for those of you who don't start with the skin of a stuffed animal, you fluff it..put a heart in it, brush it, pick out an outfit for it!!) it was so cool!! I loved it..when i recieve pictures..i'll show them to you all!! HIs name is Zeke, the Pickle man, he's a monkey, cuz i love monkeys!!
After this, we went to a japanese restaurant..where, they cook in front of you!! It was so amazing..i got an onion thrown on me!! I laughed so hard, and the fire part was really cool!!
Leaving the restaurant, we head for this church, where my utmost favorite band is playing!! SUPERCHIC[K]!!
They totally rocked the night..and Josh Mcdowell did as well!! hee hee!! But man..then i got to talk to them afterward..and i get so nervous..but it was totally cool!! we then preceded to head home..
That is my evening in a nutshell...leaving out most of the details..for fear of boredom!! but i loved it!!

Monday, April 25, 2005

my grandma is snoring in the background..

My mind just went can you write a blog on a blank mind? it's rather i am going to ramble until something enters my head!!

Recent life as taken a sudden boring turn..I have working about 8 to 9 hours a day, than either coming home and being lazy or going to the church where it seems like I am involved in everything, yet nothing at all....
Oh dude, we recently added ducks to our family..It' so cool..they don't like being held, but i love to try and get them..i like to pester than more than anything!! hee hee.but my dad is like you need to try and feed them!! so i did..and i was like scared at first..I don't know why..I guess i am always scared of new things..or things I don't really know a lot about..It rocked!! they like tickled my was so amazing..the experiance can not be must be experianced..hee hee!!

At work the other day, I downed a whole thing of spicey buffalo sauce!! it all started when I ate a ketchup packet..thank you sarah!! it was the most disgusting thing i have had..i came so close to puking..yet it was rather fun!! hee hee....anyway..

Oh yea!! I have recently read sarah's blog!! I am rather jeolous, cuz i am not even sure that anyone reads my blog!! but in a way i don't really take the time like she does to make things really i don't blame anyone!!

my little sister is about 8 and a half months pregnant..and she is so cute!! her belly is so big and her belly button is close to being an outtie!! it is so great!! I can't wait for my little nephew, Brynnon Ray, to arrive..of course..I would like him to make the full i guess i can wait!!
one final note!! I recently bought a few outfits..skirts, skorts, and girly clothes..I don't do that sort of thing..but something hit me whenever I went into this store..and i was suckered in..but they are cute..i just decided that I wanted to look like a girl..instead of my normal jeans and shirts..